A special shout out to all new subscribers who joined since the last newsletter. Thank you for valuing my work when there are so many things that can take your attention online. I appreciate you 💚
You’re 1 Thought Away
“The ancestor of every action is a thought.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I initially planned to publish about my relationship and journey with the Goddess Kali. However, this week has taken an unexpected turn and I’ve sat with a much needed reminder.
Next week I’ll share what I had originally planned but for now I trust this is what was meant to go out into the world:
Reality is only a temporary habit of vibration.
Our vibration is made up of our repetitive thoughts and emotions.
This creates our personal day-to-day reality.
If we don’t like the situation we’re in we can begin to make a change from the inside.
We so often focus on moulding, manipulating, and controlling the outside world to get the results we want, we forget that there is another way.
To shift from doing to being.
Focusing our attention on how we’re being in each moment.
What thoughts and emotions are we emitting into the Universe?
We can change our vibration and change what our world looks and feels like in our personal reality.
I read a quote somewhere once that said,
“Tradition is peer pressure from dead people.”
It’s mostly bullshit from the past that expires the day we decide to do something differently.
If you don’t like where you’re currently at, examine the thought and emotions attached to the situation, and begin to write a new story.
The more you focus on this new story, the more you will begin to see a shift in your own personal reality.
You’re always one thought away from shifting things.
One love 🖤
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We build community as a collective by combined effort, not alone.
This newsletter is a place for us to come together as one. A generation of healers and cycle-breakers who are committed to cleaning their heart, mind, and soul from all the garbage we’ve been fed to stop us from being our most authentic self.
The words I share online are a small step in that direction.