Soul Wisdom is a weekly newsletter. Please feel free to share parts of this letter that connect with you, or send to someone you love. A special shout out to all the new subscribers who joined since the last newsletter. Thank you for valuing my work when there are so many things that can take your attention online. I appreciate you. It means everything. 🖤
A song I listened to whilst writing (warning: may cause tears).
I recently shared Part 1 and Part 2 of my love story. It was such a joy to write it and share with all of you. It took a lot of energy to birth that story and I need space to process it and let it land. Therefore, I’m taking a couple weeks off from posting for some reflection time. Next post after this one will be Sunday 1st September.
Divine Timing In Disguise
“Trust in divine timing. It’s spiritual synchronicity. The alignment of people, places, and events choreographed for your soul’s highest good.” - Unknown
The other night me and Hannah were having a conversation on the phone reflecting on some old Facebook photos before we met.
Towards the end of the conversation something hit me.
We couldn’t have met any other time. It just wouldn’t have worked.
If you’ve read Part 1 of our love story you’ll know we met in February 2022.
At that time neither of us knew just how important that meeting was going to be.
Isn’t it wild how a stranger can walk into your life and become one of the most important people ever?
Sometimes divine timing happens in disguise and you don’t even know it.
I can’t imagine life without her now.
Why we couldn’t have connected sooner:
When she was 9, I was born. We lived in two entirely different parts of the country and grew up in very different communities. She was from a majority white town in South England and I was from West London surrounded by a majority of Indians.
When she was 19, I was 10. I was in Year 5 in primary school. Lol. Her life was upside down as she’d gotten really unwell around that time and was trying to get a clear diagnosis to understand what was happening to her body.
When she was 29, I was 20. I was with my ex thinking she would be my life partner. I was questioning my career path and my health had turned upside down. This was a period of deep transformation for us both in different yet similar ways. Plus, I was not emotionally mature enough to handle a woman as emotionally and spiritually developed as she was. I was still trying to find my feet.
Finally when she was 39 and I was 30, God carried us toward each other. We were both single after leaving longterm relationships and had time to reflect and process. That whole decade was one of deep emotional and spiritual transformation for me. I was no longer the same person. Our souls were ready for each other.
Life is preparing itself for you out there. Your next season is being prepared. Sometimes we want things sooner than they’re ready and we must be patient. Other times, we get things sooner than we’re ready, and when they arrive, they make us ready (if we allow them to). Whilst you’re going about your day-to-day life you have no idea what experience is being prepared in life’s kitchen for you next.
There is a timing to this game that’s beyond logical comprehension.
Trust it.
One love,
thank you for sharing this. i usually date men who are around 10 years younger than me and a lot of my friends don't understand it.
Life's kitchen. Love that!