A special shout out to all new subscribers who joined since the last newsletter. Thank you for valuing my work when there are so many things that can take your attention online. I appreciate you 💚
Work With Me
As an Intuitive Life Consultant I guide you on the most sacred pilgrimage you’ll ever go on—the one from your head, to your heart, to your soul. I support you in navigating your inner world as you move through the complexities of life. I will help you:
Find clarity amidst the emotional turbulence you’re feeling,
Reconnect with your intuition more deeply,
Feel a sense of self-love, peace, and purpose.
Souls come to me when they’re feeling stagnant and have a yearning for something deeper in life. If you want a safe space to explore this with me, join me and start your beautiful pilgrimage today.
PODCAST REMINDER: Before we dive in, I want to remind you that I’ve started recording short solo podcast episodes again. Each one is roughly 5-10 minutes. I’d love for you to take a listen if you haven’t already. You can do that here (if you don’t use Spotify you can search for it on any other podcast app!).
The 5 Epiphanies
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
I recently did a workshop on embracing change, navigating grief, and stepping into a new identity.
During the Q&A there were some amazing breakthroughs.
Here’s the epiphanies that emerged which everyone was blown away by:
1. Let yourself embrace a new label.
A question I asked the group was:
What label have you not give yourself permission to fully embrace?
One of the women said the word for her was ARTIST.
She was surprised it came up because she didn’t really consider herself as creative. She had just left medical school to figure out what she wanted to do in the world but never really associated with the word Creative/Artist or being artistic. She had all this excitement and energy to give toward creating something but hadn’t found her thing yet.
“How much space do you give yourself to create?” I asked.
Turns out she doesn’t.
She was afraid of embracing the word Artist because she’s been made to feel like it isn’t for her.
We don’t give ourselves permission to embrace a new label. For whatever reason we don’t feel ready or worthy enough.
As you begin to explore a new identity give yourself the space to explore and experiment and slowly you will find what lights you up. As you walk the path, the path will appear.
I feel in some way we’re all artists. We’re all creative. The only difference is what we create in the world might be different.
2. Let go of what certain labels mean.
Building on this conversation, another woman said she loves having conversations with older people to learn about their lives. She enjoys talking with strangers to understand their life story and the wisdom they’ve gained.
“But does that mean I am creative then? I don’t know.”
To which I replied; “You are creative. You’re creating conversations.”
Her face lit up.
She went on to explain she considers herself a Speaker not a Writer, but she does have a desire to write more.
I could feel how reluctant she was to use the word Writer, almost like she didn’t deserve it. So I asked:
“Who do you think has permission to call themselves a writer?”
She chuckled and said “Someone who writes I suppose.”
“Have you journaled before?”
“So you’re a writer then!”
Don’t be afraid to embrace a new label. We need to let go labels looking a certain way. We don’t need to have published a book or blog to call ourselves a Writer.
It’s time we redefine the rigid structures and expectations around these things.
Play with the words that best describe you.
Give yourself permission to redefine what labels mean to you.
3. Give yourself permission to feel.
Another woman shared that she had moved through emotional turmoil in the previous chapter of her life and had “missed the window” on certain things. She was now trying to focus on this next chapter of life and didn’t want to jeopardise future opportunities by dwelling on the past.
Whilst I logically understood that, I didn’t fully agree.
I could feel the regret and sadness she was trying so hard to tame.
I explained that I didn’t think feeling her emotions would jeopardise her future opportunities. In fact, I think the opposite, it would enhance them.
Because you’d be able to show up more fully in your future.
You won’t be hiding parts of your story and yourself away from the world.
Who would you be if you fully embraced your story?
Give yourself space to feel.
Feeling is healing.
4. You have permission to dream more.
Many of us have goals we are so tightly associated with.
We must accomplish them or we feel unsuccessful or incomplete in some way. I say hold your goals loosely and see what magic life delivers outside of them.
It’s scary to let yourself dream because it means expanding into a life that you haven’t planned for and is not part of the expectations you have placed on yourself and those you have had placed on you.
Are you the same person now as the person who made those initial goals?
Probably not.
So why are you still so determined to chase them?
Do you still feel connected to them?
Did you ever?
What life awaits you outside of the life you have planned?
5. Grief comes in multiple ways.
Grief doesn’t really have structure or a linear timeline but it usually happens in 3 forms:
Losing people to death (expectedly or unexpectedly)
Losing people who are still alive (friendships/romantic relationships) – they come for a reason and a season. They teach us to love in different ways
Grieving an idea, a dream, an experience, or a material possession
All of this is about shedding your identity. Letting go of a version of yourself that no longer exists. Something isn’t quite the same anymore and we must take the time to sit with that.
We are too quick to rush through the feeling and try to make sense of it all.
Sometimes it doesn’t make sense and that’s ok.
One love 💚
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We build community as a collective by combined effort, not alone.
This newsletter is a place for us to come together as one. A generation of healers and cycle-breakers who are committed to cleaning their heart, mind, and soul from all the garbage we’ve been fed to stop us from being our most authentic self.
The words I share online are a small step in that direction.