Soul Wisdom is a weekly newsletter. Please feel free to share parts of this letter that connect with you, or send to someone you love. A special shout out to all the new subscribers who joined since the last newsletter. Thank you for valuing my work when there are so many things that can take your attention online. I appreciate you. It means everything. 🖤
Dear Reader,
Today my heart longs to send out a prayer for all souls inside a human body.
Our words have a profound impact on the energetic field of reality and by speaking with intention we can slowly turn the dial of existence toward a higher vibration.
These words are a prayer to call forth wisdom to replace the places where ignorance reigns. To remember our unity beyond external appearances and psychological attributes. To learn to live beyond the “should’s” we’ve inherited as a society.
Each one of you matter.
A single drop in the ocean can feel worthless in comparison to the vast waters in which it rests, but it forgets that it is many droplets together that create the ocean.
Each one of our actions have a ripple effect on the fabric of time and space.
When did we start accepting it is ok not to lend a helping hand to others?
When did we start believing we were better or worse than others?
When did we start idolising some people and looking down on others?
Over the years our dial slowly turned toward ignorance.
War, famine, poverty, murder, rape, robbery, substance abuse, depression—are a reflection of the darkness and loneliness that lives inside each of us. We have forgotten our divine unity and connection to one another, and it’s left us separated.
We are better together, not alone.
We are a specie that needs deep connection from each other for nourishment.
Our ego is our individual personality to help us navigate Earth. It is not who we truly are. It is our personality, a persona—a mask we wear for a short while. It’s a cover for our true identity.
We are all acting for a short while on this cosmic stage. In the closing act of the play, the most important question will be; how well did we give and receive love?
Love is all there really is.
It has so many faces and names. We don’t recognise its vastness because we have a limited perception of it.
It is the reason we do anything and everything. We want to feel better. We want to feel love. Love is what we are all seeking. But we can only give it if we find it within ourselves first. That is why it is important we each take responsibility for our own healing. To heal the parts of us that became fractured along the way so we can feel our wholeness again. And to offer the fullness of our magic to the world.
Suspend judgment. Keep your curiosity alive and question everything. Remain open to life.
There are traditional ways we’e done things, but they can always change. Tradition is shackles from the past. Let the old way crumble and let yourself feel a new reality. Listen to the whisper of your soul and follow that new way you so yearn to explore.
I pray we find unconditional love and see beyond the distractions that delude us. May our souls be repaired so that we awaken to our interconnectedness and interdependence.
We are exhausted as a specie—emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We are not meant to race to the end. In the end death is eagerly waiting to embrace us with her open arms. Slow down and savour every passing moment. Drink the sunsets and the rain. Feel the touch of your partners skin on yours. Cherish the laughs with your friends. Taste every flavour in your food.
Don’t pressure yourself to be the best all the time—your life cannot look like a perfect instagram filter all the time. Our beauty is in our perfect imperfections.
We do not lose anything by helping each other. We can all shine our light in the world and it will light the way for others who are feeling dim and in need of a recharge. Share your light unapologetically—don’t let your magic go to waste.
Healing starts with forgiving yourself and then others. Forgiveness is the glue that repairs the wounds of our soul. We all inherit cracks in our soul. But we can repair them so we don’t pass them on. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you’ve made. You did the best you could with the knowledge and awareness you had at the time. The past does not exist. It is only in the memory and the future is only in the imagination. The only truth is in the present moment—where all change is possible.
I pray that we all find peace, joy, love, ease, bliss, compassion, and faith once again.
May we begin to see with our hearts again and feel with our soul.
May we awaken to the reality of In Lak’ech Ala K’in (a Mayan proverb that means you are another me), because if we do realise this, we will not need rules to govern us, we will treat everything with love and respect because we see ourselves in everything. It is this perspective shift we need.
I pray we move toward a higher timeline of peace, prosperity, and purpose for the good of all beings—Para El Bien De Todos.
May you be showered with blessings.
One Love,
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