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I don’t know how to solve all the world’s problems but I do feel a good place to start is remembering our divinity.
I woke up earlier this week after only 3 hours sleep with lots of energy.
I’d had a cup of cacao in the late afternoon the day before and because my body is sensitive I suspect it kept my brain chemistry firing. I usually sleep a full 8 but I was awoken at roughly 330am and couldn’t go back to sleep so I decided to get up, meditate, and do some journalling.
What poured through the pages was my soul yearning to express its desire to see a healed planet.
I imagine a world in which Pachamama is taken care of and all the souls that inhabit her live in harmony.
Below is a letter to humanity that I wrote in those early hours of being awake. I wrote one a few months ago too. You can read that here if you haven’t read it yet.
A Peace-Filled World
“Heaven and hell are both states of mind” - Reverend Ike
Our eyes are open but we are asleep.
We look in the mirror each day and are fooled by the costume we wear.
We are not the one in the mirror.
We are the one inside the costume.
If we recognised our divinity, wars would cease.
Not only the wars out there in the world, but the wars we fight within ourselves each day.
Every being would no longer look different to us.
They would become us.
So then, would we hurt ourselves?
We would see every being as another us. As the Mayan saying goes, “In’Lakesh Ala’kin” (you are another me).
We would not need to be told “love thy neighbour as thyself” because there would no neighbours. Sri Ramana Maharshi, a legendary Indian saint, was once asked; “How are we to treat others?”
He replied;
“There are no others.”
Only someone who is so deeply merged with The One would answer this way. He does not see himself as separate from the world.
We are the world and the world is us.
The devastation we face in the world today is a result of believing in our separation - that because we look different and believe different, we are different.
What happens to me, or what happens to you, is our story because we are one as a collective.
The new leaders will be the spiritual warriors fighting for the good of all.
Today we have too many role models who are self-interested and selected by who is popular. And who is popular is unfortunately based on what society values most. And what they value is based on their conditioning of what is “acceptable” and “good” - most of which doesn’t serve us or is outdated.
We need leaders who are not afraid to challenge historical traditions passed down generations simply because “it has always been this way”.
Now more than ever we need those who are courageous enough to ask bold questions and to dream a new dream for the betterment of all.
Those whose hearts are so totally open they recognise the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things. They are rooted in integrity and are so connected to the divine that by acting selfish they are acting selfless.
If we take the time to pause for a moment we would hear the defeaning silence that connects us all. We would feel the beauty that lays beyond our external appearances and internal beliefs about what is “right”and “wrong”.
Each one of us must re-evaluate our beliefs often in life.
If a belief we carry so strongly leads us to destroy others, is that a belief worth carrying?
Our society has become sour milk.
It is time to pour it down the drain and start a new chapter.
As humans we are stuck in the cycle of our five sense reality. Our five senses make us think this is the only reality that is available to us because it is the only one we experience. Our mind get trapped in habitual thought patterns from the past which ruins the present and dictates our future.
One by one we can awaken to a new truth.
We can start doing that by healing our wounds.
Letting go of what is no longer true.
Michaelaneglo once explained he did not carve David. He carved out from the stone that which was not David. David was already there. He simply removed that which was not him.
Similarly, we must each take responsibility for removing the elements of our thought patterns that are not us thereby freeing us to the truth of authenticity and deeper connection to the heart.
Each one of us who takes responsibility for our healing says, “no more!”.
No more of the old way of doing things.
If we all take care of ourselves it will have a domino effect on others and we will all be part of the positive evolution of consciousness.
Our joint energy focused upon a singular mission is terrifyingly magnificent and powerful. What we could accomplish together would be phenomenal.
A new way of life that is lighter, more compassionate, collaborative, and connected.
We can have a light-filled world.
It starts by us shining a little more light in our own corner of the world as much as we can.
If we cannot find peace within ourselves, we will not find peace outside of ourselves in the world.
Let us walk more gently upon the Earth knowing that everywhere we go is our home. Let us remember that each soul we meet has had an ancient history filled with trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Let us open our heart to welcome more curiosity and compassion, The Earth is one whole living breathing entity in which we are embryos growing inside it, developing day by day into more consciousness humans.
Let us walk each other home back to an awareness of who we really are.
Let us lean into collaboration rather than ruthless competition.
We can either rise in unity or fall in division.
Take some time to think about how you want to spend the time between your next breath and your very final.
Give A Gift
Before I leave you, I’d love for you to consider gifting a subscription to someone you feel my words would resonate with. If you are in a position to spread some kindness by spending $7 or $70 (2 months free) to gift someone a subscription then please consider doing so (all the money goes to supporting me as a writer).
We build community as a collective by combined effort, not alone.
This newsletter is a place for us to come together as one. A generation of healers and cycle-breakers who are committed to cleaning their heart, mind, and soul from all the garbage we’ve been fed to stop us from being our most authentic self.
The words I share online are a small step in that direction.
Want to work with me?
If you’re craving a safe space to explore your identity more deeply then find out more about working privately with me here
One love ❤️
Beautiful. Love cacao! I took my son to Peru a few years ago. Very special.
I love writing in the middle of the night! Not that I do it often, but when I do.... 😉 such soothing words you share, my soul needs to hear them. Glad to have found you via the shit & love page this morning.