A special shout out to all new subscribers who joined since the last newsletter. Thank you for valuing my work when there are so many things that can take your attention online. I appreciate you ❤️
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Note: I was going to post another newsletter today about my relationship with yoga but as I started writing I realised it would take longer than expected. So, I’m sharing this piece instead and will share the other one next week.
New Podcast Episode
I recently recorded a podcast episode on my friend Emma Mumford’s podcast. She interviewed me about my journey and we spoke about:
the weight of expectations from yourself and others,
learning to surrender to life,
redefining success + more.
I really enjoyed being on the other side sharing my story instead of being the one doing the interviews! I’ve had a few messages from people saying they enjoyed this episode. I think its because the themes in all of our lives are universal even though the way they play out might be different.
If you’d like to have a listen you can do that here.
Spiritual Ego
Spiritual Ego is a trap that you can fall into on the spiritual path when you start to believe you are more evolved or healed than you actually are.
Spiritual ego says I am better than you because I read books about spirituality.
Spiritual ego says I am better than you because I am only interested in self-development.
Spiritual ego says I am better than you because I eat healthy, fast, don’t drink alcohol, or do drugs.
Spiritual ego says I need to keep looking for ways to heal myself without integrating anything I am doing.
Spiritual ego says I am better than you because I drink Ayahuasca.
Spiritual ego says you “should” do this and you “shouldn’t” do that.
Spiritual ego says I am better than you because I practise yoga.
Spiritual ego says I am better than you because I am healing.
Spiritual ego says I am better than you because I don’t curse.
Spiritual ego says I need to wake people up to see the light.
Spiritual ego says I am not interested in material things.
Spiritual ego says I’m right and you’re wrong.
Spiritual ego says my way is the only way.
Spiritual ego says positive vibes only.
Spiritual ego says I don’t need help.
Spiritual ego says I am wise.
God says, you still have work to do.
The Trap
As you start to learn, heal, and grow you can begin to feel judgmental towards those who aren’t following a similar path to you.
The judgment will creep up on you slowly.
In my 20s I began to feel pride as people started to call me “wise for my age”.
I got frustrated with family and friends who didn’t want to better themselves. I felt what I was doing was “good” and couldn't understand why others weren't interested or committed. I felt they were “bad”. I was annoyed they couldn’t see the error of their ways.
I wanted to swoop in and save everyone.
Wake them up from their delusions.
And therein lay my delusion.
Deep down trying to change people is a form of manipulation. You want them to be the way you think they should be. You want them to see how clever, wise, evolved etc you are. If that is the case, it is because there is still a place within you that is not at peace—where you are still attached to suffering.
They are simply mirroring back to you where you still need to work.
Don’t try to control the destiny of others.
We are all on our own journey.
Do not compare, judge, or criticise others.
It is not my job to wake anyone up.
It is my job to live in a space of love.
Love will do the waking up.
One love ❤️
Give A Gift
I’d love for you to consider gifting a subscription to someone you feel my words would resonate with. If you are in a position to spread some kindness by spending £7 or £70 (2 months free) to gift someone a subscription then please consider doing so (all the money goes to supporting me as a writer).
We build community as a collective by combined effort, not alone.
This newsletter is a place for us to come together as one. A generation of healers and cycle-breakers who are committed to cleaning their heart, mind, and soul from all the garbage we’ve been fed to stop us from being our most authentic self.
The words I share online are a small step in that direction.
Want to work with me?
If you’re craving a safe space to explore your identity more deeply then find out more about working privately with me here