A special shout out to all new subscribers who joined since the last newsletter. Thank you for valuing my work when there are so many things that can take your attention online. I appreciate you ❤️
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I’ll be hosting the first virtual event of 2024 for all paid readers on Monday 15th January 6PM GMT.
These are monthly virtual gatherings to give us all a space to connect more deeply and to have a soft space to land. It’ll include a meditation, q&a, poetry readings, intuitive coaching and reflections for us to discuss.
If you’re not already a paid subscriber I’d love for you to become one and join so I can get to know you more deeply.
Trust Yourself & Die Often
“Don’t go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I recently started watching Virgin River on Netflix.
I love a hearty tv series that dives deep into the story of the characters and illuminates a range of human emotions.
Whilst watching I often discover new music that speaks to me on an emotional level. It’s a beautiful way for me to discover many new diverse artists.
There is so much amazing talent in the world worth finding.
Here’s one song I’ve been enjoying that has a gorgeous melody:
For the last couple years I’ve had no goals.
This year is no different.
I haven’t created a list of things I want to externally accomplish.
Well, this might help explain it…
A few weeks ago someone asked me where I wanted to be 3-5 years from now.
I said:
“I have no idea. I want to be surprised. 3-5 years ago I had no idea I’d be where I am today. I want my life to be an adventure. I want to focus on the intention and let life fill in the blanks for me. If I always knew what came next it would be boring.”
A few years ago I began to intuit another way to live life.
Each year I would set goals and by the end of the year they would never happen, but a bunch of other interesting stuff would happen. Eventually, I realised life had an intelligence of its own.
Life wanted to grow through me.
It was waiting for me to swim with it, not against it.
I have learned to trust the direction life is taking me and to shed my old identities along the way. Now every year instead of setting goals, I try to hold myself more and more loosely so that I can remain fluid and malleable for life to work through me.
I try to remain open to the breadth and depth of experiences that life has to offer and not close my heart from a place of fear because I can’t understand the full picture. Many of us plan our lives and want to know what happens next so we can avoid failure and shame.
That’s understandable.
It’s human.
But, in the end all that matters is how many amazing experiences we had, right?
In some way each of us will be asking ourselves “Have I really lived?”
Some of us are alive, but we’re not really living.
We’re dead inside, walking corpses.
Our gifts lay dormant, rarely awoken.
I say trade in your sanity for an insane life!
Sell your buttoned-up logic for wild illogical love!
Discard your structured plans and give your heart to life!
Let yourself die and be reborn often.
Trust that life has got you..
Listen to your intuition for it is the voice of God. Follow it and you shall be woven into the tapestry of the Universe by the hand of life itself.
An oracle card I recently pulled from Alana Fairchild’s Rumi deck really spoke to me. Here’s a sentence:
“You become comfortable with the reality that the price of being closer to the Divine is the giving up of your need to always understand”
Each year focus on rising higher and higher into truer versions of yourself.
Instead of focusing on goals get curious about what your gifts could be.
Each of us has a date with death pending.
Until then live with your heart on your sleeve. Let your mind wander into the wilderness of imagination and let your soul shine brightly.
Shed your masks often so when death finally arrives she will simply be removing another mask that isn’t you. And hopefully by then you would have already practised shedding so many times you won’t be afraid to gift your body to death so you can free yourself for your next adventure.
One love ❤️
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We build community as a collective by combined effort, not alone.
This newsletter is a place for us to come together as one. A generation of healers and cycle-breakers who are committed to cleaning their heart, mind, and soul from all the garbage we’ve been fed to stop us from being our most authentic self.
The words I share online are a small step in that direction.
Want to work with me?
If you’re craving a safe space to explore your identity more deeply then find out more about working privately with me here