Soul Wisdom is a weekly newsletter. Please feel free to share parts of this letter that connect with you, or send to someone you love. A special shout out to all the new subscribers who joined since the last newsletter. Thank you for valuing my work when there are so many things that can take your attention online. I appreciate you. It means everything. 🖤
September Soul Circle!
A few days ago I wrapped up another amazing Soul Circle call with these beautiful humans.
We talked about:
👉🏽 Being compassionate as we navigate transition periods in life
👉🏽 The body as a temple for the soul and the wisdom it has
👉🏽 Exploring what a conversation with our body would look like if it could talk
+ so much more!
The vulnerability and wisdom of this group blows me away. Everyone has so many gems to share. We can all learn from one another! ✨
Soul Circle is a monthly virtual call. It is a safe space to pause, exhale, and unwind the story in your soul. We do a guided meditations, have deep reflective conversations and questions, and share some poetry too.
Next one is September 25th at 6PM BST (replays available).
A song I listened to while writing:
Where are they?
The relationships that show us what great listening, vulnerability, compassion, and kindness look like. They lean into the hard conversations and show us how to resolve conflict in a healthy balanced way. To be fully present for their partner and to listen to what they need. To make effort to do things they enjoy. To learn how to let go of the past and be fully present now. Partners who care deeply for one another and choose to be together because it truly aligns with their heart and not because others expect them to be. Partners who choose to have children because it is what they truly desire, not because the calendar says it’s time. Partners who choose not to have children because it isn’t what they desire. Those humans who have the courage to recognise their relationship has come to an end and leave, no matter how long they’ve been together. They choose to honour the deepest yearnings of their heart even if it is the hardest thing they will do because they know the alternative is to be a crippled caged bird.
Where are they?
Those humans who live wildly and freely from their soul. They make authenticity their daily altar, not a church or a temple. They’re intentional with how they treat others because they know deep down there is no “you" and “me”, it’s just us. The souls who refuse to follow another’s blueprint to success because they are committed to paving their own way. They show up with a fierce courage and passion for life over and over again because their faith is deeper than their downfalls. Those courageous souls who hold on to that small glimmer of hope that tomorrow will be better even when they’re in the depths of despair.
Where are they?
The souls who choose to show their vulnerability. They’re gentle with themselves because they know it’s hard to be human at times. They aren’t afraid to express anger, sadness, grief, and feel shame. They honour all emotions equally and lead with their heart in everything they do. Sometimes they feel alone because they feel so deeply. They know something bigger, brighter, and bolder is possible for their life and they chase it into the unknown. The souls who grow younger and freer with age because they’re ripening through time.
Where are they?
The cycle breakers, change makers, visionaries, hopeful romantics who are the first in their family to commit to real change. They have the audacity to believe better days are always on the horizon, even though they’ve been born from a collection of terrible ones. Those souls who are unafraid to speak their truth to the world. They choose their battles wisely recognising boundaries are important for peace of mind. They walk into the world each day knowing they matter and they’re afraid of regret more than failure and judgment.
Where are they?
They are here.
If you’re reading this, you’re one of them.
We haven’t crossed paths by accident.
In some way or another you’ve already unknowingly made some waves of impact in your little world.
Keep going.
Keep walking.
Keep believing.
Because it keeps the light alive in the world.
If you’re alive you have the opportunity to do something differently than those who came before you.
We don’t have many healthy role models of what it means to be a balanced man or woman today. Single or in partnership, we don’t see many humans living from a space of softness. We see more angry wounded humans than we do balanced ones truly committed to healing.
The collective nervous system is out of balance.
It needs to be delicately disrupted.
I can feel mine is out of balance and I’m being called to listen to what my heart, body, and soul need for nourishment in this new season. Each season will require a different form of nourishment. What once worked for you may not work right now. Let it go and be open to a new way.
If we don’t express our emotions in a healthy way that energy will find a comfortable corner in the shadows of the soul to lay down roots. It firmly makes a home in the dark and then one day we have pain somewhere in our body.
Because there is a part of you trapped inside waiting to breathe.
Give it oxygen.
Let him out.
Let her out.
Many years of silencing your tongue builds up a mountain of stagnant energy.
Release it and ROARRRRRRR.
When that happens, it’s not only the pieces of your voice that has collected decades of dust that is freed, but the voices of your ancestors too.
Each time you speak your truth you’re clearing out cobwebs in your body.
Those suppressed parts of your spirit are freed.
Those ancestors who didn’t have a voice are freed.
Sometimes I think why do my ancestors even matter? They’re dead and I didn’t know them. Why should I care?
Because I came from them. Their story lives inside me. My bones come from their ashes. Each time the phoenix rises as a new person in the lineage, it carries all the ashes of the previous generation. So then, it is my responsibility to free myself of anything unhealthy that has been carried forward that stops my fullest expression. By doing so, I benefit. Future generations benefit. The ripple effect of who I am being when I am expansive spreads with a positive domino effect.
It’s beautiful when a soul wakes up and recognises the power it has and owns it.
Your ROAR wakes up all the other animals in the savanna from their slumber.
Sacred Alchemy best describes this work for me. Transmuting the pain and suffering of my past into power that is readily available to create something meaningful. Either my past sucks away my available power in each moment or I acknowledge it, feel it, let it go and let it transmute into something greater.
Next week I’ll share the somatic practises I’m doing to help me move stuck energy from the past so my body can be truly free. It includes an exciting new project collaboration that will help you on your healing journey!
Journal Prompts
Tune into your body. What words describes how you feel right now? Once you have the word, assume that word isn’t telling the entire truth. Tune in again and feel a little deeper into what word lays beneath the first one.
If your body could talk, what would it say to you right now?
What can you begin to forgive yourself for?
Thank you V. Another amazing piece!
I really enjoyed the part about our ancestors and just spent sometime writing a gratitude list of why I am grateful for mine. I often focus on family that have passed. Either those I know of or have experienced in the physical world, viewing them as my guides. Your writing really helped me to tune into my ancestors from wayyyyy back and their guidance. I am smiling at the vision of the phoenix rising knowing that one day I will be that ancestor. I sit comfortably knowing that my healing is creating a legacy that those that rise up after me will grateful for and pay homage too.
stunning wisdom here. We act in integrity to walk what we know.