Lovely, my friend! I think we all need reassurance from time to time that we are exactly where we are needed and doing exactly what we should be. In fact, I just woke up from a dream, whose message was exactly that. Crazy!! XO

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Love the synchronicity! We do need reassurance every now and again. It’s nice to have supportive people around you that remind you of your courage and capability!

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I’m so glad you are honoring your inner child. I love that sea turtle photo too!

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The little boy and girl inside each of us needs attention 🩵

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I actually just did a deep meditation on why I’ve been feeling so much anger towards someone and surprise! my inner child needed some love

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Sep 22Liked by Vipul Bhesania

Self doubt is an all too familiar feeling 🩵

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It’s natural to doubt and it may crop up at various points in life. Important to not lose yourself in it 🙏🏽

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I get you brother- i'm so glad you are able to see those old beliefs and voices that were never your own. Keep following that big beautiful heart guiding you to wholeness on your perfect path

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Some of these are inherited beliefs and feelings about life. Learning to witness them and let them move through me. Anchoring into the love between me and Hannah in the meanwhile helps ❤️

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Love you xx

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Love you more my angel x

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It's only in looking back that we are able to see what these periods of questioning led us to, but in the meantime it's very difficult to sit in the discomfort of doubt. We know that's when we need to double down on our soul wisdom but the answers usually remain unclear (at least in my experience). All we can do is keep showing up one foot in front of the other, asking to be led, while listening to the niggles of our heart.

Be well Vipul.

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One foot in front of the other feels like the most approachable way during these times. Hindsight is always 20:20!

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I love the work of Ellen Langer from Harvard. She says there is no wrong decision, that it is all in our response to what happens.

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And maybe being a SOULful lawyer is in your future?!

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Sep 22Liked by Vipul Bhesania

A beautiful Sunday read. I love the meme at the end, turning doubt upside down. It made me chuckle :)

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Haha I do wonder if in the end of life the greatest secret of all will be revealed… that it was all a dream!

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