β€œ Instead of fearing death, we can learn to embrace its inevitability. Acknowledging that death is an integral part of life allows us to live more fully in the present. We can honor the cycles of life”


All the things in nature are together in one place.

Each thing MOVEs by Nature’s Way.

Signals give direction. πŸ”„

The whole divides in to parts. 🧬


The parts move around and round and IN and OUT of each other.


Like water flowing in rivers πŸ’¦ and oceans 🌊 and changing into vapor πŸ’¨ and snow ⛄️❄️and ice 🧊.

The water flows IN and OUT of creatures 🐫 and plants 🌱.


CrEATures EAT 🐿️ plants 🌱 🍎 and other creatures 🦌 🦞🐠 πŸ¦ƒ.

Creating excrement πŸ’©that nourishes the soil to make more plants 🌱.


Things unFold 🌱 🐣 then enFold πŸ‚ ☠️

Every part is circulating, round and round. πŸ’«β˜„οΈπŸͺβ›ˆοΈπŸŒͺ️


Everything in the UNIverse fits 🧩

because each part belongs

to the ONE whole cyclic cosmic song 🎻 and dance πŸ’ƒπŸ».


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β€œ I’m curious about what stops me from fully enjoying the present moment.”

A song 🎡 about NOW from George Harrison


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