even the bible talks about -the power of two or more coming together "in my name" (love) is something that people really don't fully understand the power of our manifestation in unity. :) Big hug and thank you for sharing the lessons!
Thank you for taking the time to read Jess! Really appreciate that. All of us are walking examples of something, question is, what are we exemplifying to the world each day? ❤️❤️❤️
Another amazing piece to read! I love that video you included and all the tips about why relationships don't work.
I love that your love is showing the world what love is. I'm here for it! If anything I've learnt about myself on my journey. It's that I've not believed love is real because I've never seen it.
Thank you again! My faith in the existence of love feels like it's restoring :)
even the bible talks about -the power of two or more coming together "in my name" (love) is something that people really don't fully understand the power of our manifestation in unity. :) Big hug and thank you for sharing the lessons!
Stunning. “And we get to be a human example to the world of what love in action looks like.” Indeed. Thank you for sharing
Thank you for taking the time to read Jess! Really appreciate that. All of us are walking examples of something, question is, what are we exemplifying to the world each day? ❤️❤️❤️
Another amazing piece to read! I love that video you included and all the tips about why relationships don't work.
I love that your love is showing the world what love is. I'm here for it! If anything I've learnt about myself on my journey. It's that I've not believed love is real because I've never seen it.
Thank you again! My faith in the existence of love feels like it's restoring :)
Loved reading this thank you for sharing your thoughts Stace! Love is real and it is possible! 🙏🏽❤️❤️
Love you and so beautifully written proud of you and us xxx
Love you gorgeous xxx