A special shout out to all new subscribers who joined since the last newsletter. Thank you for valuing my work when there are so many things that can take your attention online. I appreciate you ❤️
A Fresh Start
“My life is my message” - Gandhi
The first of the month always feels like a chance to begin again.
Especially now because it is the autumn season. It is very much about letting go.
Letting go of that which no longer serves you and surrendering into what does.
Like a leaf from a tree, let your old identity fall away and create the space for something new that is waiting to be born underneath.
Around this time last year my soul brother and spiritual mentor, Parker Sherry, left his body and ascended into higher realms of consciousness to continue his evolution.
Today I want to dedicate this piece of writing to him.
The way he lived his life was medicine.
He became the medicine.
Master Alchemist.
I wrote a piece dedicated to him earlier this year for his birthday called Bodhisattva. If you feel drawn to reading his nuggets of wisdom that would be a good piece to read.
On The Edge
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” - Aristotle
A few months ago I had a Vedic astrology reading by someone I deeply respect and he told me the summer period all the way until October was about going with the flow and protecting my energy because the shadow planet Rahu has such a strong influence on me.
In simple terms, I should be careful not to be lured by the darkness because it will have such a strong presence in my life.
Whenever you are on the edge of darkness and light you have the opportunity to become an alchemist should you choose to transform your darkness into light.
When we are going through a rough time in life it is easy to follow the alluring nature of drugs, alcohol, mindless sex, violence, overconsumption of food… and even contemplate suicide.
This year I have found myself teetering on the edge of creation and destruction.
I have had moments when I have thought about what a blade would feel like against my skin - those are the times I knew I was in a really dark place.
You feel a sense of comfort from imagining the pain stopping altogether.
But we are also one thought away from thinking something positive - a moment away from feeling something slightly better.
If you’re going through a rough patch right now, have faith that things will work out. You reading this is a sign that where you are now is right where you are supposed to be in your journey.
We are part of a divine destiny that is unfolding for our highest good should we choose to see it that way.
I believe my darkness has been disguised as a process of sharpening my faith so that the stars can shine more brightly in my life.
You get to choose what you focus on - the dark or the light.
However, there can come a time when you remain faithful for a long period and things just keep getting worse and you cannot see a clear way out.
Enter Kali.
This Hindu Goddess was never talked about when I was growing up. I suppose it was because she seemed evil and confronting so people ignored her.
As I read more about her now I realise her fearful presence is there to protect your light from negative energy.
She drops in during states of emergency in life.
She drops in to protect you on the most intense part of the battleground. When you can stay true to truth or fall into a black hole.
She will protect your light and gracefully carry you to the next milestone in your journey across the battlefield when there are so many ways you could easily die.
She will take on all of your burden and transform it into a beautiful solution for you so that you are able to get to the next destination for your destiny, unharmed.
She will then disappear from whence she came.
When your intentions are pure you will not be left empty handed by God.
Standing Together
“I come as one but stand as ten thousand” - Maya Angelou
I recently pulled the oracle card of the “Enoki” mushroom.
Each strand of the mushroom is weak on its own but together, it is powerful and can stand strong and provide lots of nourishment.
Each of us must stand together in unity for transforming our darkness into light.
Each of us can choose whether to go down the path of destruction or creation.
We have the ability to heal. To choose connection and clarity. To choose peace and harmony. To dream up a new world for ourselves and together create a new reality.
We must stand together as one.
“Todos somos una familia” (we are all a single family) - Don Rober
I’ll finish by sharing a few words by Parker from one of his newsletters:
“Remember, the evolution of consciousness is not a race. Nonetheless, keep rising up. Keep bringing it regardless of what life throws your way. Humanity will eventually wake up and get it right. That happens one person at a time. 1,000 points of light are how you light up the world. One light illuminates another light.
You're part of a grand conspiracy...a conspiracy of spiritual warriors of love and peace that will do everything you can to make the world a better place. Continue to cultivate a sense of potential and mission in your life.
It's all about momentum and trajectory. Don't get it stuck. Keep it moving.
We all have challenges, little ones and big ones. The more daunting the challenge, the greater the benefit.
Anyone or anything can be your teacher. As a student, you need to learn and apply the lesson from your teacher. You won't need to attach to a maestro or a teacher forever.
You can teach by your example, and not words. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. I like people who walk the talk, or better yet, walk the walk. As Ralph Waldo Emerson explained, “What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”
We're all a part of the problem. But we can all be part of the solution.”
One love,
Want to work with me?
If you’re craving a safe space to explore your identity more deeply then find out more about working privately with me here
Autumn is also about letting go in traditional Chinese medicine. It connects to the metal element which can be about grief and the connection to the lungs which is how we interact with our environment ✨💫