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Sacred Container
“Each of us are sacred containers for the divine expression of God” - me
Con El Sagrado means "with the sacred” in Spanish.
I’ve had an affinity for the Spanish language since working with plant medicine the last few years. I do not speak it fluently but I know a few phrases. I’m currently using an app called Busuu to help me learn more day by day.
Something is shifting and involving in the way I do my work.
I can’t quite explain what it is but I feel an old identity dying and new one being born underneath—a snake shedding its skin.
My role is to give this identity the space to bloom and to honour its germination with patience and faith.
Shedding is in alignment with the seasons—spring, summer, autumn, winter. Since we are in winter it is time to let go and release that which no longer resonates. And a time to hibernate and protect that which wants to be born in the spring season.
You do not need to plant any seeds.
The seeds are already there.
You arrived on Earth with them.
Our role as humans is to allow the space for the sacred process of blooming and withering to occur.
To be present with this sacred process is to be authentic.
By honouring your authenticity you will honour your creativity.
Our creativity comes through us, not from us.
We are the vessels channelling the divine expression that wants to be born.
I view the work that comes through me as an energy.
An energy that communicates with me.
Perspective Shift: an idea that wants to be born through you is God wanting to express itself. To hinder this is to hinder the expression of God.
The Art Of Authenticity
“The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable” - Robert Henri
Each of us has a sacred flame within us that wants to be nurtured.
That flame represents our authentic self.
I view my role as protecting that flame so it can turn into a wildfire.
Authenticity is the sun shining unapologetically and not wondering why it doesn’t look like the moon.
It is letting your soul shine in every area of your life.
Authenticity is courageously following your own path—a journey unique to you. The journey may take you on twists and turns in ways you have never imagined and you might feel like you are falling behind at times, but you are not. You are right where your soul needs to be in every moment.
Authenticity is honouring the fullness of who you are without hiding any aspect from the world. That means loving and radiating every dimension of your personality. The funny, the flaws, the fierce, the sensitive, the weird, the passionate, the curious, the sexual, the spiritual.
All these versions make you, you.
To honour that is to be authentic.
You honour when it is time to be quiet and lay low. You also know when it is time to be bold and to socialise—both are okay and both are you.
You’re not afraid to cry and say you’re sad and you’re not afraid to laugh and take leaps of faith.
You’re comfortable with your scars because you’ve had dinner with them more than once and you’ve learned to make them your friend. Your scars are the sacred ground on which you now proudly stand.
Authenticity is honouring your boundaries so you can prioritise your peace.
It is knowing when something has expired in your life and when to let it go.
You leave a job, a business, or a relationship when you have outgrown it—even if you don’t know what comes next.
You book a flight in an instant to go across the world to attend an event, because it feels right. You engage in alternative healing ceremonies deep in the jungle, because it feels right. You break up with your partner after several years, because it feels right.
You trust the timing of your life and the current that is carrying you to a new place.
You listen to your intuition relentlessly and you lead your life with integrity—what you do, think, and say, are aligned. You are not afraid to disappoint people along the way. That is authenticity.
You are comfortable slipping off your old skin and growing into a new one. You’re comfortable dropping labels when they no longer resonate. You refuse to fit into a box because you are tired of labels. You recognise your spirit cannot be contained by any label.
You feel all your emotions deeply and respect them.
You honour all the colours of your personality.
You create because it feels good to your soul, not for external validation.
You refuse to follow a blueprint to success because you are determined to find your own definition.
You enter all the caves that make you curious—especially when they look dangerous to others.
Authenticity is painting a messy picture because it is who you are. It is creating content that scares you and having conversations that push you to your edges. It is voicing your opinion even when it is controversial. You express your truth unapologetically in each moment, even when your truth changes.
You are not unafraid to be shunned by your family for making choices that break generational traditions. That is authenticity.
You honour your incarnation as sacred. You know you were born to express yourself for the good of all. You honour who you are because it is an expression of healing. A healing vibration that benefits the good of all.
You understand your role is to surrender to who you are, and who you’re becoming.
Giving Birth To Art
“Creativity requires faith. Faith requires that we relinquish control.” - Julia Cameron
Each of us is a vessel for creativity.
Every now and again sparks of inspiration come through us.
Our role is to give birth to them, not to judge them or compare them to others.
When we give birth to the ideas that come to us we free ourselves of that inspiration, so that more inspiration can come through.
I see each of us as channels for the divine to experience itself.
With each spark that is delivered to you, it is your responsibility to release it into the physical world—to give birth to its expression. You’ve been chosen as the parent for that spark of inspiration.
The Universe is always expanding and it is expanding through each of us with every expression we give birth to.
Imagine each of us is a cell within the God body.
Each of us has a unique expression and collectively we make up God.
Each cell has the imprint of the entire system within it and yet, each cell looks different. To express that difference is to honour the expansion of God through you.
That is sacred authenticity.
That is what it means to be with the sacred.
What is impatiently waiting inside you to take its first breath?
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We build community as a collective by combined effort, not alone.
This newsletter is a place for us to come together as one. A generation of healers and cycle-breakers who are committed to cleaning their heart, mind, and soul from all the garbage we’ve been fed to stop us from being our most authentic self.
The words I share online are a small step in that direction.
Want to work with me?
If you’re craving a safe space to explore your identity more deeply then find out more about working privately with me here
One love ❤️
Virulent this is beautiful! I love the reminder to keep the work sacred. Embracing Spirit in our daily acts.
This was such a gift, V! Thank you, my friend. 💛🙏🏾