V, can it be possibly true, that you are 30 years old right now? You, in the past year, moved out from your parents? You're finding stillness, and the gift of it, relatively 'recently' (albeit after much inner work!) At this young age?? I'm so moved if I'm understading this correctly.

I've shared before that I am 72 years old. Imagine, twice the amount of living on earth, in this body, that you've had plus 12 years!! Even if you're "in your 30's".... my heart, mind and soul are so deeply touched by your spiritual clarity! Your ability to see, feel, and share with the world the wisdom you no doubt came into this body that carries 'you.'

Astounding the level of "emotional and/or physcial/sexual abuse" our souls are put through in this human form before we are able to divert off that path to find our spiritual foundation.

I liken the phenomenon of 'you' and your spirit V, as I experience children who are remarkable musicians (I've saved a number of them on Instagram).. that simply blow me away! We're talking 5, 6 year olds who play piano, violin or guitar and it's as if they came into the world carrying Jimi Hendrix's soul, or Bach, etc. There's no way THAT could have been learned!! No 'lessons' could produce THAT level of musical ability! I have no doubt that I'm looking at "greatness" from spirits coming through these children.🙏

You, my dear V, if I have it right that you are at this (at my age) 'young' chapter of your life... you... are simply remarkable in your entire energetic field of awareness, sensitivity and acuity of what the 'human experience' is, and the "egg shells" we ALL walk on to find our peace; "Home" in ourselves.

It is with deep, humble, appreciation that I have 'found you,' dear spirit... and grateful to walk this life path with you.

Deep bow, V.

I "see you." Gassho.

🙏 ~ V

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What a beautiful string of words to receive. Thank you so much for sharing these. I fully receive them and open my heart to the energetic blessing that lay within them. I feel the deep resonance. Thank you for acknowledging my gift and ability.

I often say we have a “biological age” and a “soul age”. Although I am now 32 years old in this particular human body, my soul knows no time. It is an ancient field of energy that has travelled through many incarnations and picked up many layers of wisdom. My role in this life is to slowly uncover it and learn new things to continue my evolution from where I “left off last time”.

Although I knew I needed to move away from my parents around 2016/2017, I moved in September 2023 with one of my brothers. Mentally, I had moved away already. Spiritually, I was miles away already. Emotionally, I was still stuck there. And big chunks of me still are and i am working through that to free myself. Although the cord gets cut on the day of human birth, there are many energetic cords to tend to throughout our lives that remain unchecked.

I appreciate you 🙏🏽

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